Hey there, I started Ohmify to make learning electronics accessible to everyone - no matter your age, background, or profession. Today, it's been 8 years since I launched Ohmify! And we're celebrating with a cool bonus for new members: All new members who sign up for a yearly plan before Friday get an Arduino board and a beginner's component kit! Arduino UNO board So you'll be getting: 24/7 access to more than 700 electronics lessons (and counting!) to learn electronics - even if you have no previous experience. A friendly community forum where you can ask questions about topics from the courses, get help troubleshooting or planning your projects, or any other electronics-related questions. No question is too basic! An original Arduino UNO board + a beginner's kit with a selection of basic electronic components to get started. Learning Tracks that tell you where to start and where to go next to learn specific skills such as Arduino...