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Hello, Raspberry Pi 5! A look at the new speedy SBC and more

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September 29, 2023 | #558   

Up Close with the Raspberry Pi 5 (Video)

Up Close with the Raspberry Pi 5 (Video)
The Raspberry Pi 5 has landed, so it's time to take a closer look at it! In this video, we dive into all the new features and specs, and we consider how the product compares with Raspberry Pi's previous flagship.


Unleash Your Wireless Creativity with the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest

Unleash Your Wireless Creativity with the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest
Show off your design skills! Participate in the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest. Deadline: February 19, 2024

Raspberry Pi  

Raspberry Pi 5: A First Look

Raspberry Pi 5: A First Look
The Raspberry Pi 5 is here. Since the release of the Raspberry Pi 4 in 2019, a global community of both ardent enthusiasts and industrial users alike has been waiting for this. Let's take a look.


Webinar: Reverse Engineering Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Devices (Oct 12)

Webinar: Reverse Engineering Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Devices (Oct 12)
Join our October 12, 2023, webinar to unlock the secrets of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices through reverse engineering. You'll learn about BLE technology and gain hands-on insights about device communication.


DIY LDR Auto Light Controller with Battery Charger

DIY LDR Auto Light Controller with Battery Charger
In this project, I will show you how to make an LDR auto light controller device with a built-in battery charger circuit. This device uses an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) as a variable resistor to control the brightness of LEDs based on the ambient light levels. It also includes a charging circuit for the rechargeable battery and a custom PCB and housing design.


SIGLENT expands the addressable frequency range of its RF Signal Generator to 40 GHz

SIGLENT expands the addressable frequency range of its RF Signal Generator to 40 GHz
[Partner Content] SIGLENT officially announces the release of SSG6000A Series RF Signal Generator, a performance instrument for cutting-edge testing of microwave and millimeter waves with wide frequency range, excellent signal spectrum purity, high accuracy, and large power output.


Arduino GIGA Display Shield Has Microphone, IMU and Supports Multitouch

The Arduino GIGA Display Shield has a microphone, an IMU and supports multitouch. (Source: Arduino)
Good news for users of the Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi board: you can now add a nice touch display to your board with minimum effort thanks to the brand-new Arduino GIGA Display Shield. It provides a 3.97" RGB touch screen with 480 × 800 pixels and capable of producing 16.7 million colors. The touch screen is multitouch enabled and supports gestures and up to five simultaneous touchpoints.


The Future of WiFi for IoT: An In-Depth Discussion

The Future of WiFi for IoT: An In-Depth Discussion
The realm of Internet of Things (IoT) is swiftly expanding. The traditional notion has often sidelined WiFi for IoT applications, but could evolving WiFi specifications change the game?


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